Boundaries are an important element of self-care, as they relate to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. They’re how we tell the world how we want to be treated, so consider of them as an invisible shield. Setting boundaries with your family, friends, coworkers, and loved ones is critical, and it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may think.
Why don’t we start by establishing some ground rules? It’s frequently because we desire to please others and be liked. Having no boundaries, on the other hand, effectively allows everyone to walk all over us. Boundaries allow us to safeguard our energy and time. Your own boundaries dories will enable you to make decisions and accept responsibility for your behaviour, as well as send a message to the rest of the world that you value yourself.
To help you define your personal boundaries ask yourself:
-What kind of behaviour do I anticipate from others?
-What kind of behaviour do I anticipate from myself?
-What does my body require in order to be well nourished and function?
-What do I require in order to perform at my best?
-What is my greatest fear of saying no, and how likely is it to happen?
-What guilt do I need to shed in order to live my life as I see fit?
-What can I do to defend myself in a case where someone has offended me?
Try to find an answer to the questions above; this should give you an idea of what matters to you and where your lovely boundaries are.
Boundaries give us space to grow and be vulnerableWe all deal with complex feelings when life happens. By setting boundaries and then breaking them, when the time is right, you’re showing your vulnerability.This could be as simple as talking openly to friends and family. When we display our vulnerability to someone, we let them know that they’re welcome to open up to us sometime when they need to.But vulnerability and oversharing are different. Shared vulnerability brings people closer together over time. Oversharing, on the other hand, can use drama to manipulate, hold another person emotionally hostage, or force the relationship in one direction.
Our boundaries are shaped by
-our heritage or culture
-the region we live in or come from
-whether we’re introverted, extroverted, or somewhere in between
-our life experiences
-our family dynamics

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” -Buddha
True love is one of the strongest emotions we can feel. And we all deserve it.
–You deserve it.